I had the absolute pleasure of having a wonderful photographer come and photograph my home last week. Hope to share more about Maite and the photos with you soon.
It was surprisingly hard work! Not only does the house have to be show home tidy and full of flowers, but its amazing what needs to be moved because its reflecting in the windows or distracting from the shot. A hint that all those magazine homes are not quite as they seem.
I was very pleased with how the house looked, it felt like all the years of planning and building and finishing (still finishing) were worthwhile. And it was a real treat to have the house full of fresh flowers, these ones above were on my coffee table.
I spent a lot of time tidying up those corners of the house that had got slightly out of control, and styling areas like the front door and our bedside table and en suite.
I am thinking it should be a quarterly project - big tidy and organisation weekend with lots of fresh flowers and new candles as a reward.